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There is no one textbook that follows the approach in this class, we will do our best to provide class notes. We have found the following textbooks and resources very helpful:

The textbook written by William Siebert, a former MIT professor and much admired colleague, is notationally and structurally very similar to the material we will present in the first six weeks of 6.302/6.320. And since Professor Siebert made an electronic version of his book available through IEEExplore, it is freely available to MIT students (who have access to IEEExplore through the MIT libraries). We include links to the appropriate chapters below for your convenience, but ask you not repost them.

Chapters of Professor Siebert's book are an excellent source for background material on Z-transforms, Laplace transforms, system functions, circuit analysis using transforms, and basics of feedback system analysis: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, and Chapter 8.

Joel Dawson's recitation notes for parts of an earlier version of 6.302 are available on open courseware, recitation notes, 2007's 6.302. For weeks 3-5 of 6.302, of particular relevance are R14, R15, R16, R17.

The on-line (and free) textbook Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers by Karl J. Åström and Richard M. Murray.

For the treatment of Bode plots and lead-lag compensation: Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems (7th Edition) 7th Edition by Gene F. Franklin,‎ J. Da Powell,‎ and Abbas Emami-Naeini

For discrete-time control: Digital Control System Analysis and Design, 4th Edition, by Charles L. Phillips,‎ Troy Nagle,‎ Aranya Chakrabortty

Course Notes

The staff is also in the process of creating course notes based on the scribbles which can be found here

Useful Links

Swarthmore Notes