A Disturbance in the Force: Postlab

The questions below are due on Wednesday November 01, 2023; 09:59:00 AM.
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General Post-Lab Instructions



  • Matlab script for the postlab is here.
  • Our dataset (in case you have problems using your own) is here.

Your grade in post-lab assignments will be based on the clarity, accuracy, and insightfulness of your solutions. To receive full credit, your solutions must be complete, legible, and well-organized. Trivial algebraic mistakes that might lead to an incorrect answer will not count significantly against your grade. However, missing or incorrect explanations, even in the presence of a correct final answer, will be marked down.

Most problem parts will be graded on a scale from 0 points to 3 points based on the general rubric enumerated below. Your total grade for a post-lab will be based on the total number of points awarded across the entire post-lab.

  1. Little or no relevant work. Simply writing a few equations or copying facts from the problem will not be awarded any points.
  2. Some evidence of understanding but significant deficits. This could include pursuing a sub-optimal approach that ultimately fails, or providing a correct solution with little or no explanation.
  3. Significant evidence of understanding, but important flaws. Examples include using a sub-optimal approach to arrive at a correct (or nearly correct) answer; using a good approach while making one or more technical mistakes; using a good approach without adequate (or confused) reasoning; submitting a solution that is poorly communicated and difficult to grade.
  4. Clear, correct, and insightful. Such a solution need not be long. Concise and to the point is desireable.


You are allowed and even encouraged to discuss general strategies for solving the post-lab problems with your colleagues and the 6.310 staff. However, you are expected to submit your own independent solutions. Further details of our collaboration policies can be found here.

Problems: download here.

Solutions:   download here.

How to Submit Solutions

You can prepare your solutions electronically or scan/photograph paper and pencil solutions. Solutions may be submitted as a single image file or as a single pdf file or as a zip file that contains multiple image and pdf files. Files in a zip file should be numbered sequentially, e.g., page1.jpg, page2.jpg, etc. Acceptable image files include gif, jpg, png, and eps.

Upload your solution to PostLab07:
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