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Course Description
A learn-by-design introduction to key ideas in modeling and control of continuous- and discrete-time systems, from classical analytical techniques to modern data-driven strategies. Topics covered: a control-centric introduction to Laplace- and Z-transforms (natural frequencies, transfer functions, frequency response); feedback system performance metrics (stability, tracking, and uncertainty/disturbance rejection); analytic design methods (root-locus, PID, and lead-lag); state-space models and computational design (eigenvalue placers, linear-quadratic regulators, and observer-based techniques); and data-driven design (system identification, regression, and model predictive control). Concepts are introduced and reviewed in weekly lectures, recitations, and on-line exercises. Students then master those concepts during three-hour design labs, in which they combine circuits, sensors, actuators, algorithms, and a high-performance microcontroller to control motors, propeller-levitated robot arms, magnetic levitators, tilted-mirror imagers, two-wheel vehicles, and three-dimensional positioners. Graduate students complete additional assignments.
Official Prerequisites: Physics II (GIR) and 2.087 or 18.03 or permission of instructor
Lecture, Recitation and Lab Schedule
Lecture/Recitation: Tuesday and Thursday, 11am -12pm, in 1-190
In 6.302, we cover a curated list of topics in from classical and state-space control, in both continuous and discrete time. The class is design-oriented, so the majority of the learning comes from working with a partner in lab. Please plan to arrive prepared and on time for your lab section.
Labs will take place on Fridays Room 38-530. Each lab will have one or more checkoffs with a member of staff. Students with occasional conflicts can finish the lab on Sunday with no late penalty. Since there are nearly 100 students this term, but space for no more than 50 in each lab section, we must balance the two sections. Please be as flexible as you can.
Lab Section I: , Friday 10am-1pm in 38-530
Lab Section II: , Friday 2pm-5pm in 38-530
Lab Section III: , Monday 2pm-5pm in 38-530
Please note that you must attend your assigned lab section.
Pandemic Office Hours

Lab and all Office Hours (see schedule in "Weekly Events" below) are in 38-530. While office hours are at specific times, 38-530 is just for 6.302 during the spring semester, so feel free to come in and work on labs at any time during regular EECS lab hours (9am -11:45pm on weekdays, closed Saturday, 1pm-11:45pm on Sunday).These lab hours are subject to change due to snow, holidays, etc... so be sure to check the official schedule.
Weekly Events and Due Dates
A typical week's "events" will be as follows (starting on Tuesday of a given week):
Tuesday: Lecture (11am-12pm), PreLab released (10pm)
Tuesday: Office Hours: (7pm-10pm) Rod, Irene
Wednesday: Office Hours: (7pm-10pm) Kavya, Irene
Thursday: Recitation (11am-12pm)
Thursday: Office Hours: (8pm-10pm) Aaron, Kavya
Friday: Lab/Postlab (previous week) and Prelab Due (10am), Lab Sections 1 and 2 (10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm)
Saturday: Lab Closed
Sunday: Office Hours: (1pm-5pm) Jacob, Lokhin
Sunday: Office Hours: (7pm-10pm) Lokhin, Kavya
Monday: Lab Section 3 (2pm-5pm)
Monday: Office Hours (7pm-10pm) Aaron, Rod
As you can see, office hours are spread throughout the week, however DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST DAY TO DO ASSIGNMENTS. Office hours might get busy!
Grading is based on homework, labs, and a midterm project:- Prelabs: 20%
- Labs: 40%
- PostLabs: 20%
- Midterm Project and Report: 20%
Our goal is for you to leave 6.302 with the confidence and skill to design real control systems, along with a context for learning more. Expect to build and understand what you control, to decide on objectives and design appropriate controllers, and to be challenged but not stressed.
The names and contact information for individual staff members can be found below, but if you want to reach all of us just email