Feedback System Design (Spring 2020)
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Welcome to 6.302/6.320 -- Glad you decided to take control
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***Click "Information" Tab, select "Calendar and Handouts" for latest Prelabs, Postlabs, and Labs***
***Latest Announcements at bottom of this page ***
Have you ever wondered about the design strategies behind temperature controllers, quad-copters, or self-balancing scooters? Are you interested in robotics, and have heard of, or tried, “line-following" or “PID control” and want to understand more?
Feedback control is a remarkably pervasive principle. And by feedback control, we mean using sensor data (e.g. brightness, temperature, or velocity) to adjust or correct actuation (e.g. steering angle, motor acceleration, or heater output), and you use it all the time, when you steer a bicycle, catch a ball, and even when you stand upright. Yes feedback control is ubiquitous, but it is also an uniquely compelling example of mathematical theory guiding practical design. In 6.302 we will focus on a few key concepts in the theory and practice of feedback control, in order to introduce you to this rich and beautiful subject.
Each week we will use lecture and recitation to introduce a fundamental feedback concept, and will provide basic on-line exercises so you can test your understanding. Then you and a partner will master the concept by (with staff assistance) designing, implementing, measuring, and analyzing a control system. Finally, you will reflect on what you have learned by solving postlab problems. PLEASE NOTE: LABS ARE A LEARNING EXPERIENCE, NOT AN EXAM, EXPECT TO NEED HELP!!!
Please check the information tab and then select calendar for a more complete syllabus.
- First Class is February 5th, 11am, 1-190.
- Everyone needs a lab partner, find your own or we can help.
- There are 125 students and only 42 lab spaces per section, so we will schedule a third section! Please come to the first lecture on Tuesday!!!
- 6.302/6.320 Lecture/Recitation: 1-190, 11am, Tues and Thurs.
- Lab is on Fridays in 38-530 (you must participate in one but please be flexible!). Section assignments will be completed during the first lecture.
- 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
- 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- Mondays, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm